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Facilitating Behavioral Change
  • (54)

Facilitating Behavioral Change

Tragically, children with histories of abuse, neglect, or trauma have often lost the ability to trust loving adults. Because of their difficult backgrounds, these children are more likely to display confusing, fear-driven behaviors that are often mistaken for aggression or mental illness. In this... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Healing Families Package

Healing Families Package

All six Healing Families videos with TBRI® An Overview as a BonusThis package contains the following products:Healthy TouchPlayful InteractionA Sensory WorldTrust Based ParentingAttachment- Why it MattersChildren from Hard Places and the BrainTBRI® An OverviewTotal Size:&nb... Aider

Contenu digital
154,88 € Sélectionner
Healing Families Package - Lithuanian Version

Healing Families Package - Lithuanian Version

All six Healing Families videos with TBRI® An Overview as a BonusThis package contains the following products:Healthy TouchPlayful InteractionA Sensory WorldTrust Based ParentingAttachment- Why it MattersChildren from Hard Places and the BrainTBRI® An OverviewTotal Size:&nb... Aider

Contenu digital
117,34 € Sélectionner
Healing Research
  • (11)

Healing Research

In this presentation, Dr. Karyn Purvis reviews a wide range of research that gives insights into developmental deficits that drive many behaviors of at-risk children. Dr. Purvis explains the science of the physiological changes in children can be induced by early harm. This lecture aims to help p... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Healthy Touch
  • (196)

Healthy Touch

Touch is a universal language – more dynamic and powerful than any other form of communication. Tragically, children who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or trauma have often lost the ability to trust loving adults. This can greatly impact their ability to experience touch in healthy, a... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Healthy Touch  - Lithuanian Version
  • (1)

Healthy Touch - Lithuanian Version

Saugus prisilietimas Prisilietimas – tai visuotinė kalba, daug dinamiškesnė ir išraiškingesnė nei kitos bendravimo formos. Deja, vaikai, patyrę smurtą, apleistumą ir (ar) kitas traumas praranda galimybę išmokti pasitikėti mylinčiais suaugusiaisiais. Tai smarkiai... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Healthy Touch - Latvian Version

Healthy Touch - Latvian Version

Pieskāriens ir universāla valoda — tā ir dinamiskākā un spēcīgākā no visām komunikācijas formām. Diemžēl bērni, kuri pieredzējuši vardarbību, pamešanu novārtā un/vai traumu, bieži zaudē spēju uzticēties mīlošiem pieaugušajiem. Tas var būtiski ietekmēt bērna ... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Healthy Touch - Spanish Version
  • (2)

Healthy Touch - Spanish Version

El tacto es un lenguaje universal, más dinámico y poderoso que cualquier otra forma de comunicación. Trágicamente, los niños que han experimentado abuso, negligencia oh trauma a menudo han perdido la capacidad de confiar en adultos cariñosos. Esto puede a... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Interakcje przez zabawę (Playful Interaction)

Interakcje przez zabawę (Playful Interaction)

Radosna zabawa ma fundamentalne znaczenie dla dobrostanu dziecka teraz i w przyszłości. Film „Interakcje przez zabawę” z udziałem dr Karyn Purvis i dr. Davida Crossa oraz innych ekspertów w dziedzinie rozwoju dziecka wyjaśnia, jak ważna jest zabawa, i przedstawia praktyczne prz... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Lecture Series Package

Lecture Series Package

All 6 Lecture Series VideosThe Attachment Dance Facilitating Behavioral ChangeHealing ResearchSensory Integration The Neurochemistry of FearEmpowering Connecting and Correcting Principles: Healing Children Through Trust and RelationshipsTotal Size:  8.1 GB - 8.73GB (depending on device) Plea... Aider

Contenu digital
79,79 € Sélectionner
Library Package

Library Package

All six Healing Families videos & All 6 Lecture Series videos with TBRI® An Overview as a BonusThis package contains the following products:Healthy TouchPlayful InteractionA Sensory WorldTrust-Based Parenting Attachment – Why It Matters Children From Hard Places and t... Aider

Contenu digital
234,68 € Sélectionner
Oбзор ТОВД. Сводим знания воедино - На русском языке
  • (3)

Oбзор ТОВД. Сводим знания воедино - На русском языке

Это краткое видео объясняет концепцию и принципы, лежащие в основе Терапии, основанной на взаимоотношениях доверия®, - проверенного метода, который значительно улучшает жизнь уязвимых детей, подростков и их семей. Травма может ухудшить речь, обработку сенсорной информации и навыки саморегуляц... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
4,69 € Sélectionner
Playful Interaction
  • (211)

Playful Interaction

Play puts the fun in fundamental – central to a child’s well-being now and in the future. Playful Interaction, featuring Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross, along with other child development experts, outlines the importance of play and provides practical examples of playful interac... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Playful Interaction - Latvian Version

Playful Interaction - Latvian Version

Rotaļas ir ne tikai jautras, bet arī fundamentāli svarīgas — tās ir būtiskas bērna labklājībai tagad un nākotnē. Šajā video, kur piedalās dr. Kārina Pērvisa, dr. Deivids Kross un citi bērnu attīstības eksperti, tiek uzsvērts rotaļu nozīmīgums un sniegti praktiski piemēri rotaļīg... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Playful Interaction - Lithuanian Version

Playful Interaction - Lithuanian Version

Žaismingas įsitraukimas Žaidimas yra ne tik smagus, bet ir labai svarbus dalykas, būtinas vaiko gerovei dabar ir ateityje. Vaizdo įrašų serijoje „Žaismingas įsitraukimas“ dr. Karyn Purvis, dr. David‘as Cross‘as ir kiti vaiko raidos ekspertai paaiškina žaidim... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner
Playful Interaction - Spanish Version

Playful Interaction - Spanish Version

El juego pone la diversión en lo fundamental, fundamental para el bienestar de un niño ahora y en el futuro. El juego de interacción (playful interaction)con la Dra. Karyn Purvis y el Dr. David Cross, junto con otros expertos en desarrollo infantil, describe la importancia de... Aider

Contenu digital Video SD
De 6,57 € Sélectionner